It's Come to This


It’s been ten weeks since I’ve temporarily closed the studio.

I miss your groans, laugher and the camaraderie shared as one class ended and another began. I enjoyed hearing all the after class repartee and the responses of the “next victims” waiting in the wings. It’s amazing how scooping, squeezing, stretching, lengthening and releasing hurts so good, revitalizes and keeps us coming back for more. God bless endorphins! They boost our mood and energy.

Maintaining high levels of both are essential to wellbeing. This is the main reason to commit to a regular exercise regimen when circumstances—like this Coronavirus Lockdown—disrupt our daily routines. It has been said change is the only constant. I disagree. For me, exercise is another constant. What about you?

By the way, want a mask with pizzazz? Click below. It’s washable and one size fits all.

My twice weekly live-streamed mat classes are up and running. Do join us.

Keep well!

Dallas FuentesComment